The Year 2022 Has Been Declared the ‘Year of Süleyman Çelebi’

With a circular in the Official Gazette, it was decided to commemorate 2022 as the “Year of Süleyman Çelebi”. Okay, who is Süleyman Çelebi and why was such a decision taken?

In today’s issue of the Official Gazette, a letter signed by President Erdoğan circular took place. According to this circular, the year 2022, “Year of Suleyman CelebiHowever, throughout the year, both within and beyond our borders some events will be held. Okay, who is Süleyman Çelebi and why was such a circular issued?

Süleyman Çelebi, who lived between 1351 and 1422, was one of the leading scholars of the period. Vesiletu’n-necat Çelebi, who is also the owner of a work titled, made his name known in Central Asia and the Balkans with this work. Vesîletü’n-necât; It is read on special days such as sending off soldiers, weddings, birth and death, religious days and nights.Mawlid‘ is itself.

The 600th anniversary of his death has been added to the UNESCO memorial list

In the circular numbered 2022/6 in the Official Gazette, the 600th death anniversary of Süleyman Çelebi UNESCO memorial list was added to it. For this reason, various commemoration events organized by Turkey will be held both at home and abroad. Presidency of Religious Affairs, culture and Tourism MinistryThe Ministry of National Education and, if necessary, the Presidency will work in coordination in the realization of the activities.

President Erdogan, the circular in question also made a request. This request is requested by all public institutions and organizations without delay, to provide all kinds of support, assistance and convenience that will be needed in order to realize the activities to be organized throughout the year in the best way. primarily was fulfillment.

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