The XRP Community Is Divided Into Two: Here’s Why and What Happened!

Recently by the SEC spot Ethereum ETF The approval of ‘s has sparked discussions within the cryptocurrency community regarding the possibility of ETF approval for other digital assets.

One of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market XRPhas emerged as a strong contender in this debate, with speculation swirling about the potential launch of XRP ETFs in the US.

However, the XRP community itself has opposing perspectives on this potential development. A recent X survey by a prominent community member revealed a significant divide, with 66% of respondents expressing belief in an XRP ETF by 2025, while the remaining 34% had an opposing view.

Will ETFs Benefit XRP?

Proponents of an XRP ETF highlight the accretive potential of institutional investments. They argue that an ETF would provide a regulated and accessible entry point for institutional investors, leading to an increase in XRP adoption and a positive impact on market dynamics. This broader institutional involvement could strengthen XRP’s legitimacy and stability among its peers.

On the other hand, some members of the XRP community, including well-known XRP advocate Bill Morgan, express doubts about the necessity of an ETF for the future success of XRP. This perspective highlights the fundamental utility of XRP as a medium of exchange.

They believe that the true value of XRP lies in its ability to seamlessly facilitate cross-border payments, and that its widespread adoption for its intended purpose should be the primary driver of its value. Over-reliance on institutional investment through an ETF could potentially overshadow XRP’s core functionality.

Morgan also shared his belief that the SEC may not approve XRP ETFs and that ETFs could outperform any benefits if Ripple and the XRP community focus on making XRP the global reserve currency it should be. An ETF structure could create unnecessary complexities and potentially prevent XRP from fulfilling its intended role within the global financial system.

a respectable crypto- The figure also shared his belief that ETFs will have minimal impact on the price of XRP. He sees the ETF race as unnecessary for XRP, calling it a distraction and an invitation to corporate corruption.

Many attribute Bitcoin’s rise to all-time highs in part to January’s ETF approval, and the next few months will show the benefits of these investment vehicles over Ethereum.

A big success for Ethereum could change the minds of some skeptics in the XRP community. However, if Ethereum does not live up to expectations, the crypto world may need to take a step back and reconsider the place of ETFs in the crypto world.

Writer Adle Dursun about :

I am a Sociology graduate from Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. I am actively researching and preparing content on cryptocurrency and blockchain.

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