The World’s Deadliest Toy Gilbert U-238

“What is the deadliest toy in the world?” If you ask, the answer is undoubtedly Gilbert U-238. So what makes the Atomic Energy Laboratory, also known as the Atomic Energy Laboratory, so dangerous?

Many parents worry about whether the toy their child plays with will harm their health. However, parents who overlooked this detail in the 1950s They exposed their children to various risks because of this toy.

Bride Gilbert U-238 Let’s look at why it is so dangerous.

In fact, the main purpose of this toy was to make children love chemistry.

When the Atomic Energy Laboratory was launched in 1950, It was already one of the most detailed science kits available. Besides uranium, it had sources of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

This toy; a simple device for studying atoms, a cloud chamber, an electroscope and a Geiger counter, as well as a 60-page instruction book and A guide to uranium mining It contained.

Children experimenting with radioactive materials, as in the so-called toy promotion He would learn to create “safe and clean nuclear energy.” Surprisingly, parents at the time did not see this radioactive toy as a problem.

Because radium, the 88th element in the periodic table, was believed to provide energy to people and strengthen healthy cells.

gilbert u-238

Luckily there were only 5,000 of this toy and it didn’t sell very well. However, the reason it was not sold was not because it contained radioactive elements but because it was expensive. Finally, this unconsciousness began to change from the 1960s onwards.

Additionally, the US Congress has mandated that toy manufacturers He began to investigate whether they provided adequate security. Subsequently, the use of some chemicals was banned by the Child Protection and Toy Safety Act.

Thus Gilbert U-238, It was removed from the shelves over time. It later disappeared into history with the death of its inventor, Alfred Carlton Gilbert.

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