The World’s Biggest Highlights

The profiteering made by shrewd people all over the world is innumerable, but some people, like Tosuncuk, who have pocketed their money after victimizing thousands of people, have written their names in this category with golden letters.

Thanks to Tosuncuk, we became very familiar with the large amount of profiteering. How easily people can be fooled, how much money you can spend on something that is not real I assume we’re all learning now.

Mehmet Aydın, known as Tosuncuk, defrauded 80 thousand people in about two years and collected nearly 500 million TL. 500 million TL may seem like a big amount, but not even his own There are many people to whom Aydın remains innocent, such as Victor Luig, who wants to sell the Eiffel Tower. Chief among them is Ruja Ignatova, known as the Crypto Queen.

One of the world’s biggest hits belongs to Ruja Ignatova

Ruja Ignatova, who is known as a successful business person, first appeared in front of people in 2016. Introducing the new cryptocurrency OneCoin in front of thousands of people at the Wembley Arena in London, Ignatova recently that people will forget what this thing called Bitcoin is had expressed.

According to the information leaked to the BBC, in the first 6 months of 2016 30 million euros were invested in OneCoin appeared. In fact, the 2 million euro transaction was realized in just two weeks.

Amount invested in OneCoin between 2014-2017r reached 4 billion euros and people from all over the world started to take interest in this cryptocurrency.

Ruja Ignatova one coin

As a matter of fact, the story of OneCoin’s downfall started when a blockchain expert named Bjorn Bjercke got a job offer from OneCoin. In early 2016, exactly 4 months after Ruja’s show in London, Bjercke received a job offer from the company with an annual salary of £250,000.

Bjercke did not yet know what his job description was when he got the offer. He had seen OneCoin as a big company and could not understand why they needed a blockchain expert like him. In his second conversation with Bjercke, the company told him what they need to build a blockchain infrastructure had expressed. As you can imagine, such a large cryptocurrency Does not have a blockchain infrastructure To the disappointment of Bjercke, the successful businessman turned down the offer, feeling that something was wrong with OneCoin.

Brecke’s story was heard by Jen McAdams, who later invested over $250,000 with her friends in OneCoin. McAdams is very excited about OneCoin. after investing large sums held a meeting on Skype with Timothy Curry, a cryptocurrency advocate. McCurry had told McAdams the story of Bjercke’s job interview at this meeting, and the real fuse was lit at that moment.

crypto queen Ruja Ignatova

McAdam, OneCoin only You have a database with SQL server He nearly fainted when he found out. As you can imagine, things came to a head after these events, and Ruja started to put her huge expenditures in the eyes of the people while all these scandals were unfolding one by one.

The real face of events started when Ruja did not appear in an event held in October 2017. The people attending the event waited for Ruja for minutes, the authorities tried to calm the people by saying that Ruja was on the way and could come at any time, but Ruja never surfaced again did not come out. Ruja Ignatova, known as the Queen of Crypto, according to what the CIA has collected, With his $15 billion hit He was last seen on a plane from Sofia to Athens.

Plus Token left the note “Sorry, we ran away” after the hit

plus token

Perhaps the most well-known of the crypto pyramid schemes is the Plus Token. to investors in Asia offering a monthly return of 9%-18% Ads for Plus Token resonated around the world.

Plus Token’s constant visibility on social media and face-to-face meeting with potential investors of the companymade this cryptocurrency look extremely safe.

The company started to withdraw its profits from the platform in 2019, which naturally caused a lot of concern for investors. In a short time, Plus Token team With an amount of more than 3 billion dollars A note emerged that he disappeared and left behind by the team; “Sorry, we ran away.”

Father of the term “Ponzi”: Charles Ponzi

charles ponzi

Third on our list is Charles Ponzi, who introduced the term Ponzi and is described as the biggest swindler in the USA. Ponzi, who came to the USA from Italy in 1882 to realize the typical American dream that everyone knows, for anyone who wants to make money the easy way today seen as a source of inspiration.

Growing up in a poor family but dreaming of getting rich all of a sudden, Ponzi first started out with the international fake coupon business. The young man who began to run ads in the newspapers that people could earn 50% or even 100% daily by purchasing mailing coupons. attracting people’s attention and getting their first investment succeeded.

Over time, people started to form lines outside the Ponzi’s door, and indeed Get 50% interest in a month as promised by Ponzi they succeeded. But there was something that no one knew. In fact, there was no coupon that Ponzi was selling. The clever man was paying the interest of his old customers, whose interest was accrued with the money he received from the previous customers, and the chain was functioning perfectly because of the intense interest.

charles ponzi

In 1920, news appeared in the newspapers that Ponzi’s work was illegal. After these news, the police took Ponzi under investigation and meanwhile, it also banned him from making new investments.. Ponzi did not pay much attention to this ban at first, but investors started to get nervous after these news and wanted to get back the money they gave to Ponzi even if it was 0 interest. This caused the once perfectly functioning chain to break down, and Ponzi slowly began to bleed.

When it was understood that there was no real coupon being sold, Ponzi was imprisoned. When he got out of prison, he started similar businesses and when he went bankrupt in this business, he went to prison for the second time. Not wanting to go back to his old scam after his release from prison, Ponzi started to live in Brazil as an employee of an airline company. He died in an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro.

Meet the first seller of the Eiffel Tower: Victor Lustig

victor lustig

I know that until now we have always gone through crypto money and ponzi systems. But Victor Lustig according to the conditions of the period he is a swindler who has seriously outdone himself, and what he has done has nothing to do with the other names on the list.

For many years, Australian Count Lustig made his living by swindling people, first with poker and then with various cunnings, by going back and forth between his own country and the USA. after the First World War who decided to settle permanently in the USA Lustig was arrested here for defrauding the American Savings Bank, but with his cunning tongue he convinced even the cops that he was innocent.

Lustig later moved to Canada where he continued his scam. Even a very important banker in Canada. introduce himself as a reputable bookmaker He even stole the man’s $30,000.

the man who stole the eiffel tower

The issue of selling the Eiffel Tower started with a newspaper published in 1925. Lustig had read in the newspaper that the Eiffel Tower had to be dismantled for maintenance and repair, and that it would cost a lot. Lustig, who started to devise a thousand and one cunning plans as soon as he read the newspaper, went to work in Paris with his friend Daniel Collins, whom he first came to work with from the USA. By booking a room in a very luxurious hotel started.

Lustig then told the hotel officials. himself He introduced himself as an officer of the French Ministry of Public Works. He asked them to arrange a meeting with the most famous scrap dealer in Paris. Lustig told the scrap dealer that he had made an oath to keep all conversations confidential, that the Eiffel Tower was about to be demolished, and that they had chosen this man for its dismantling.

It is not known exactly how much Lustig defrauded the scrap dealer, but according to the records, Lustig paid the man’s money not only for the dismantling of the Eiffel.bribes to municipal workers he has it in his pocket.

the man who sold the eiffel victor lustig

Lustig and his friend, who disappeared suddenly after they hit the most important junkyard in Paris, are quite upset because their reputation does not resonate in France. Because the junkie In order not to announce to all of Paris that he was deceived and disgraced. He didn’t even report Lustig and his friend to the police.

Lustig, who has defrauded banks and even the police, is getting very upset because he can’t be famous in France. to Paris to complete the work he started. coming back. The funniest and most heartwarming part starts here. Because Lustig and Daniel manage to sell the Eiffel Tower to another man for the second time, using exactly the same method as the previous one.

The second junker isn’t too concerned with things like reputation this time and goes to the police immediately. While Lustig and Daniel’s names were echoing in all the newspapers in France, the police took action or’s too late for her kiki fled to the USA is happening.

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