The war may have started long ago: Has China cyberattacked?

The violence of the war, which started with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is increasing day by day. According to some new allegations, China launched a massive cyber attack against Ukraine before the war started. The effects of war in real life are also evident in the cyber world.

According to intelligence reports, China launched a cyber-attack on Ukraine’s military and nuclear facilities before Russia began its invasion. According to the Ukrainian security service, more than 600 websites were affected by the attacks by China. So, did China really attack? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

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Putin went to China before the war!

According to intelligence reports, China started cyberattacks right after the Winter Olympics ended. Cyber ​​attacks reached their highest level the day before the invasion of Russia began. Again, according to the information in the report, China asked Putin to wait for the end of the Winter Olympics before starting the attacks.

Before the war began, Putin had traveled to China to meet with his counterpart, Xi Jinping. This meeting of the ministers was spoken of as an “unprecedented close relationship meeting”. China, on the other hand, denied all these allegations in the reports and said it was all a smear campaign.

The UK Government Center announced in February that it had stepped in to harden Ukraine’s cyber defenses and assisted in Kiev’s resistance. It was stated that CIA Director William Burns was also uneasy about the difficulties and had problems.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think China made a cyber attack on Ukraine before the Russian invasion started? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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