The Star Rapper’s Choice Has Been Announced! Altcoin On The Rise!

Oscar-winning rapper Juicy Jdrew attention to the recent activity in the Ethereum price by sharing a tweet that celebrated the famous names as if showing that they still have an interest in cryptocurrencies.

The famous rapper, known for his productions such as “Shell Shocked” and “Bounce It”, is the largest altcoin on his Twitter account with 2.8 million followers. Ethereum He shared a celebratory tweet in which he reported that its price had increased by an average of 5%.

Saturday Ethereummanaged to surpass the $1,400 level, outperforming the rest of the cryptocurrency market. The tweet shared by Juicy J; It is one of the details showing that celebrities continue to be interested in cryptocurrencies despite the great selling pressure.

The Oscar-winning rapper became the leading meme coin in August last year. dogecoin He made a post that implied writing a song about him. As we reported, in December 2020 the Rapper asked “I have never invested in Bitcoin, is it worth it?” sharing his note attracted attention and the rapper cryptocurrency Thus began his journey. Bitcoin was entering a major bullish cycle at that time.

Juicy J, who won an Oscar in 2006 as part of the hip-hop group Three 6 Mafia, is not the only name known for his affinity for crypto assets. In late June, Snoop Dogg and Eminem released a new music video showcasing the beloved Bored Ape Yacht Club’s NFT collection.

Another prominent American rap star, Jay-Z, also recently launched a Bitcoin-focused literacy project in partnership with former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

50 Cent, who accepted Bitcoin payment for his album “Animal Ambition” in 2014, backed off from his statements, but previously claimed to be a cryptocurrency millionaire in 2018.

You can follow the current price action here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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