The Solana Based Metaverse of the Edensol Project!

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become the most preferred application for the gaming industry. The reason is simple: NFTs are a form of asset whose property is registered on the Blockchain and corresponds to a unique and exclusive digital artwork, image, video or in-game tool. This means that for the first time players can eventually earn money with their abilities (game earned by playing) and metaverses can turn game elements (characters, accessories, and even virtual terrain) into tradable assets with real-world value. Edensol stands out with such a project.

NFTs continue to be popular

Not surprisingly, NFT games are experiencing a dizzying period of growth – with more to come:

  • Axie Infinity, the leading NFT metaverse, generated $3 billion in NFT sales in 2021 and has more than 2 million daily active users.
  • There are over 800 Blockchain-based video games that allow you to earn rewards with NFTs.
  • A survey showed that 58% of 197 game developers in the US and UK have started using blockchain technology, while 47% have started incorporating NFTs into their games.
  • Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian predicts that P2E games will make up 90 percent of the games market in five years.
  • More than $300 million was sold on NFT metaverse lands in December 2021 alone.

Moreover, the application of NFTs to metaverses (an industry of up to $1.54 trillion by 2030) has been labeled by Bloomberg as “the intersection of crypto, gaming and capitalism,” and potentially a bigger event than the internet revolution. A new NFT metaverse game is perfectly positioned to drive this convergence of strong future trends: Edensol. Developed by Lithuania’s Golem House game studio, this innovative game is designed to attract savvy NFT investors, novice gamers and tens of millions of game enthusiasts like Path of Exile and Diablo 3.

Edensol: A new NFT metaverse game

There are four powerful elements behind Edensol:

  • Powerful gameplay: Quests, Heroes, Monsters… and much more. Edensol players are Mages, Warriors or Rangers who battle extraordinary creatures in exciting missions or battle each other for supremacy, earning NSOL tokens (the platform’s native crypto) and receiving additional NFTs as a reward.
  • Valuable and unique NFTs: NFTs take the form of every unique character, special accessory, and plot of land in the world of Edensol. NFTs can be earned by winning battles/tournaments or bought with NSOLs – and also easily sold on the Edensol marketplace or on major NFT exchanges like OpenSea or Mintable. Edensol will periodically release limited edition NFTs to create long-term value for collectors and gamers.
  • Guilds: Guilds are players who come together and use NSOL tokens to occupy lands and fight for rare NFTs. Guild members share earnings from land revenues and can raid other regions from other Guilds – building a valuable virtual land NFT empire.
4 Reasons Why Edensol Project Is The Most Popular Metaverse Game!
  • Solana Edge: Edensol was built on the Solana Blockchain for three simple reasons – incredible speed, incredibly low costs, and unprecedented scalability. Solana is not only capable of processing 710,000 transactions per second, but offers it for as little as $0.0001. This compares to an Ethereum-based exchange fee of 2.5 percent to 5 percent for NFT trading in addition to gas fees. An added plus is Solana’s extreme liquidity, with over $2 billion traded daily. As a result, Edensol players can buy and trade as many NFTs as they want, as often as they want, at virtually no cost. This is the perfect setup to ensure that the Edensol gaming metaverse can grow rapidly from the very beginning.

Edensol aims to leave a mark on the gaming world by combining a unique game for players, collectors and investors with all the advantages of NFTs. With NFTs booming and metaverses becoming the new frontier of the gaming industry, Edensol is poised to launch its token sale at the perfect time. The goal is simple: to be the next leading, undisputed and globally recognized NFT metaverse of our time.

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