The Sky Is Lush In The USA! (Explanation Received)

The sky turned green during the storm in the US state of South Dakota. The reason for the interesting natural event was explained.

While interesting weather events continue to occur from time to time in any part of the world, the last of these was viewed in the United States. Residents in the country’s state of South Dakota suddenly look up at the sky. with a green landscape encountered.

During a major storm that hit the state, the sky literally turned green. This very rare sight was also shared on social media by the residents of the region. Although it may not sound convincing, the photos you will see below No filters were used in any of them.

Green skies seen in the USA:

green sky

green sky

green sky

So what was the reason for this situation?

The natural event in question, from moisture in the air originated. Sun rays, which come from the Sun and are observed as blue under normal conditions due to their refraction in the atmosphere, fall on the Earth at a lower angle in the evening hours and turn into a reddish color associated with the sunset in our minds.

The water and ice particles in the clouds of the storm that took place just at this hour reflect the rays coming from the Sun in blue. But the atmosphere formed at that time When red color and blue light come together, green color emerges.. In order for the blue light to turn red to green to be so intense, there must be very large amounts of water in the clouds.


Why Does the Sky Appear Blue When Space Is Dark?

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