The Scientific Basis Behind User Experience: Hick’s Law

While using applications or various sites, you may think, “What a great idea they thought of adding this here!” Did you say anything? If your answer is “yes”, what if we told you that there is a scientific principle behind these user-friendly designs?

Brands create experiences that their customers have had and will have in various fields, especially technology, for them. designs to be the easiest and most enjoyable.

User-friendly experience This situation, as we call it, is actually designed for you to have the most comfortable experience while using an application or site or performing a shopping action, with minimum effort.

Behind creating user-friendly experiences lies a principle called “Hick’s Law”.

Named after psychologist William Edmund Hick Hick’s Law It basically states that a person’s decision-making time is directly related to the number of options they face.

Well, As the number of options increases, the decision-making time will also increase.

This principle, which is especially taken into consideration in digital design and user interface development processes, affects people’s experience of the long decision-making process that will occur as a result of the large number of options. become difficult and unpleasant He defends that he will bring it.

Brands also take Hick’s Law into consideration to provide the best experience to their users.


The ability of users to make fast and effective decisions is especially critical to the success of applications and websites. Hick’s Law principles they take into consideration.

User interfaces and other elements are optimized in accordance with the mentioned principles and the easiest and effortless It is aimed to have the targeted experience in this way.

One of the best users of this law is Apple!


Apple’s approach to design appeals to its users to provide the best experience It reveals how skillfully he makes decisions.

Behind these decisions is the belief that technology and psychology can work in perfect harmony. Therein lies the principles of Hick’s Law.

For example, you can see your applications as icons on the home screen and organize them into folders. without getting lost among hundreds of applications allows you to find the application you are looking for.

According to Hick’s Law, by grouping these options, optimizes your decision-making time. This makes browsing on your phone much more efficient.

Hick’s Law also manifests itself in application interfaces and device design!

apple remote control

Most application developers, especially Apple, you can navigate the application effortlessly targets.

For example, instead of getting lost among millions of songs on Apple Music, users can quickly find the music they want through suggested playlists and Personal music recommendations are offered.

According to Hick’s Law, such suggestions reducing options and speeds up decision-making time.

To give another example, the remote control designed for Apple TV is cheaper than classic remotes. has far fewer buttons and provides a streamlined user experience

In summary, Hick’s Law helps us understand the complexity of decision-making processes. to create user-friendly designs provides an important guide.

Brands that adopt this principle, such as Apple, also provide the experience we will have. To make it easy and enjoyable It manifests itself through user-friendly activities.

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