The Rich Prefer These Altcoin Projects!

While the Bitcoin and altcoin market has been depreciating since the beginning of 2022, a list of the most preferred altcoins came from a financial platform. We convey the details as…

Rich crypto investors focus on these altcoin projects estimates that 1 billion people will invest in the asset class by the end of 2022. However, according to experts, inflation could be one of the biggest drivers of crypto adoption. It is clear that individuals with ultra-high net worth, in particular, are turning to crypto. In fact, a TIGER 21 report highlighted that members are doubling their crypto investments.

He also revealed that altcoins are also being actively evaluated. Top investment vehicles include Ethereum (34 percent), Bitcoin (33 percent), crypto funds (23 percent), other alternatives (15 percent) and Dogecoin (2 percent). Michael Sonnenfeldt, President and Founder of TIGER 21, pointed out that “the ultra-rich are worried about inflation and want to protect assets in 2022.” A recent report from Bloomberg that examined Asia’s wealthiest families, such as the Ambanis, Hartonos, and Mistrys, also observed investment patterns. It has been reported that Hartonos, Indonesia’s richest family, is in talks with Binance to set up an exchange. However, a TIGER 21 survey of members published earlier this month showed that only 27% of respondents were optimistic about crypto.

Analyst Lark Davis, on the other hand, thinks the investment in DOGE is interesting and likely “inspired by Elon Musk.” But when it comes to funds, Davis explained that these individuals also bet on the startup space by getting exposure to crypto funds. Regarding the investment, TIGER 21 Member Andy Sack, Managing Partner of KeenCrypto LLC, noted:

I am very optimistic about both Bitcoin and Ethereum. My personal assessment is that the tide is in favor of Ethereum. I also like Ethereum alternatives, to name but two: Solana and Avalanche.

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