The Reason We Can Call Emergency Numbers When There Is No Signal

It confuses many people that emergency numbers such as 112 can be called when our mobile phones do not have a signal or even a SIM card. We shed some light on this issue.

When we buy a new phone, naturally, there is something in it. SIM card not found. For this reason, when we turn on the phone, we see certain signs in the signal phrase indicating that there is no SIM inserted. If the name of the service provider that gave you the line to be installed is where it should be, ‘Emergency Calls OnlyThere is a text like ‘.

Of course, we all know that this includes numbers such as 112 in our country and 911 abroad. But calling without SIM card unable to The fact that our devices can call 112 causes some confusion. Let’s clear up this confusion now.

First we need to understand the logic of the SIM card:

Our ID numbers are personal and we deal with these unique numbers in government offices. These identities are also ours. to the Republic of Turkey It shows that we are connected. When you insert a SIM card into your phone, your device will likewise gains identity and you will also have a unique phone number.

Let’s say you bought your SIM card from operator X. Your phone is now in the vicinity of your current location of operator X. base stations It will search and show you the signal strength accordingly. Although carrier Y’s base station is closer to you, your signal may appear lower than you expect because your phone uses carrier X’s card.

This is why different operators in different parts of the country offer signals of different strengths:

already in between rivalry also arises from this. If you live in a rural area and your phone cannot get enough signal from an operator, you will turn to different alternatives. For this reason, operators all around It works to provide a strong, stable and fast internet experience.

Think of your carrier’s base stations as points in different parts of the map:

Messenger Communications

These red get color. Let another operator distribute the base stations in the same way and also in blue Let’s show. A third operator green get color. The SIM cards connected to the red operator will not see the green or blue base stations. In other words, each operator can connect its own SIM card to its base stations.

So what happens when it comes to emergency numbers?

emergency lights

We can say that all these different colors we mentioned are turning gray. In other words, when it comes to emergency numbers, the operator to which the base stations are connected does not matter. For example Vodafone’s Let’s say you are using a SIM card. call 112 When you want to call, you can make this call even if there is no base station connected to Vodafone.

Because when you want to call this emergency number, your phone is connected. from the operator not to the signal, to any signal tries to reach. Therefore, if there is a Türk Telekom base station nearby, for example, it will not hesitate to receive the signal from there.

So it’s not actually the SIM cards that allow you to make calls:

SIM card

They just give your phone identity and allow you to search and surf the web within their frames. But your SIM card though not that your phone can make emergency calls, SIM cards are only one key indicates that he is on duty.


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In short, these are of course essential for staying in touch with people in our daily lives. But if the only issue is the phone’s ability to make calls, the SIM cards can be made using the 112 example. not necessarily we can say. After all, this is an issue between operators. If your number was an emergency, you could be called from anywhere, regardless of the operator.

resources: Make Use Of, Science ABC, Cumhuriyet, Messenger

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