The real Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort is at it again! -SDN

The Wolf of Wall Street movie was highly appreciated by moviegoers in 2013. Although many people do not know that Leonardo DiCaprio plays the real criminal Jordan Belfort, we can say that he gave a realistic performance as an ambitious stockbroker.

On the other hand, the real Jordan Belfort, who was sentenced to a prison sentence of 22 months in 1999, continues to deceive people today as if nothing had happened outside. He even started giving private lessons 3 years ago, despite calling Bitcoin a mass illusion.

North Korea emerges from under $ 625 million crypto heist

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Jordan Belfort gives private crypto lesson for 1 Bitcoin ($40k)!

Although Jordan Belfort tried to keep his Bitcoin lessons secret, some facts were revealed by dissatisfied customers. Belfort now shows that he is breaking the statements he made a few years ago.

Jordan Belfort

Jordan Belfort, who organizes a conference he calls a crypto workshop, demands 1 Bitcoin, that is, approximately 40 thousand dollars, as an entrance fee. According to the news shared by The New York Times, he accepted 9 distinguished (!) participants to the class he called “Brain” at his workshop meeting last Friday.

Here, Belfort, who introduces himself as a former stockbroker, gives private lessons for crypto money and NFTs, which he sees as the future of finance, and shares tips from his own heavy investments and crypto money exchanges. In other words, we can say that he repeats what he did during the stock market period.

Of course, many people say that they have not forgotten the video shared by Jordan Belfort on YouTube in 2018. Because he seems to have forgotten his heavy accusations against Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and investors in the video titled The Bitcoin Market has Finally Run Out of Greater Fools.

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