The rate of transition from iPhone to Android was surprising!

Apple is one of the biggest players in the technology world with the ecosystem it has created among its own devices. If a recent study iPhone users It showed how committed he is to Apple. Accordingly, 94 percent of iPhone owners still prefer to buy an iPhone when switching to a new device.

The new phone of 92% iPhone users is also iPhone

Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) found that iPhone owners are more brand loyal than Android users. According to research, over the past decade it has been caused by battery life and connectivity issues. Android users switching to iPhone trend increased.

CIRP’s research shows that 91 percent of Android owners, iOS users whereas of 94 percent showed that it remained on the same operating system. However, it should not be ignored that there are many brands on the Android side and users may switch to a different manufacturer.

Credit card information stealing malware detected in 193 Android apps

Credit card information stealing malware detected in 193 Android apps

A cybersecurity company has shared malicious Android apps that contain the malicious SpinOk software. Here are the details…

On the other hand, the research also shows how iOS and Android attract users from the rival operating system. In this regard, Apple seems to be more successful in migrating Android users to iPhone. On the Android side, manufacturers are having a hard time attracting iOS users.

For example, about 14 percent of people who bought a new iPhone this year were previously using Android. On the other hand, only 4% of new Android device purchasers switched from iPhone.

There are several reasons behind users switching to iPhone. However, the main one is security concerns. For example, malware stealing credit card information was recently detected in 193 Android apps.

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