The Rate of Cyberbullying in Turkey Announced

Interesting data on Turkey were shared in a study conducted by Oxford University. Researches have revealed that cyberbullying has reached its peak in Turkey. Moreover, according to the study, we live unaware of issues such as hate speech, which we can consider as a part of cyberbullying.

Oxford University has published a report containing important data from Turkey. “Digital Citizenship: Access, Attitudes and BehaviorsThis report, entitled “, revealed that our society, which we know is tense in general, is also quite aggressive on the internet. Because according to field studies, 1 out of every 3 people in Turkey has at least one species. to cyberbullying has been exposed.

The report prepared by Oxford also includes the results of the research conducted with the participation of 3,200 people from Turkey. According to these results, the rate of those who say that they are cyberbullying in Turkey is not less. So according to statistics 1 out of every 5 people in Turkey has committed cyberbullying at least once.. So what exactly is this going on?

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying, which entered our lives with the widespread use of the Internet, any negative behavior covers. For example, all actions, from calling or texting a person dozens of times without their consent, to sending a sexual message to an unwilling individual, fall under cyberbullying. Gender discrimination without Anyone can cyberbully.


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According to Oxford’s research, the most common type of cyberbullying in Turkey is receiving calls or messages without permission. So much so that 25 percent of the participants say that they have been exposed to this type of cyberbullying, and 7 percent of the participants say that they do this type of cyberbullying. According to the same research sexual cyberbullying The rate of those who are exposed is 12 percent. The rate of those who admit to sexual cyberbullying is 3%. The rate of those who say that their personal data has been obtained without their permission is also at 12 percent The rate of those who say that they have been lynched on social media has been recorded as 7 percent.


One of the striking issues in the field researches is the lack of awareness about the internet in Turkey. E.g “hate speechThe rate of those who are aware of what is “” is 40 percent. At this point, education and age come into play. While 63 percent of those who have completed their university education know the terms related to hate speech, secondary school graduates only 32 percent are aware of these concepts. On the other hand, only 23 percent of people over 55 are aware of things like hate speech on the internet.

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