The privacy feature that Windows 11 users have been waiting for is on the way!

Windows 11 will be a year old soon, and we were pleased that it was constantly updating itself since its first release. The operating system, which has been updated frequently since its release, is still enough for a home user, although it still lacks some features. Microsoft, which now focuses on adding innovations rather than closing the deficiencies, Windows 11 for a new privacy feature trying to bring.

The innovation coming to the developer beta of Windows 11 comes to alleviate our privacy concerns. The feature, which we have seen in mobile operating systems before, has recently for everyone will be available.

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The expected privacy feature for Windows 11 has arrived in beta

The feature, which is currently only available in the Developer Preview version, shows in detail which permissions the applications use. In addition to the permissions they access, these permissions When was the last time and for how long The information that you have accessed is also given on the same page. Microsoft’s cybersecurity manager also shared screenshots of the feature:

Windows 11 privacy feature

We have seen a similar page on iOS and Android, which can be opened from the privacy tab in the settings. Mobile platforms have made significant progress in terms of privacy in recent years, and the presence of such a page is among the developments. from apps installed on your device. if you suspectBy opening this page, you can easily see which application uses which permission and when.

In addition to sensitive permissions such as camera and microphone, by knowing your location Accordingly, applications that show advertisements are also a danger element. Although it is said that the location and microphone permission, which is generally used in the background, is to show more compatible ads, not everyone can trust it. If you notice that your permissions are being used in a way that you do not want, you can go for a quick solution such as uninstalling the application.

Windows 11 privacy feature

In order for the feature to come to the stable, that is, the most accurate Windows 11 version, a few weeks we have to wait. According to the process, these few weeks, it may take a few months. Therefore, it is not possible for us to say a precise date at the moment. However, since it has entered the beta process, we can say for sure that it will come one day.

We hope to see more security features like this in future versions of Windows 11. When this feature comes out you will use often do you think? We are waiting your comments.

source site-32