The President of the USA announced! Does Turkey buy F-16s?

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and US President Joe Biden came together at the NATO Leaders Meeting held in Madrid. Here, many issues were discussed, especially the membership status of Sweden and Finland. But what really caught the attention was Biden’s statement on Turkey and F-16 planes.

Does Turkey buy F-16s? Biden is for selling!

In recent years, the USA has prevented the sale of F-35s to Turkey by showing many reasons and excuses. Not only that, it implemented various defense industry embargoes. However, recently, communication channels between the two countries seem to have reopened.

US President Joe Biden, who met with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the NATO Leaders Meeting held today, said that he was willing to sell the F-16 warplanes that Turkey wanted to buy. He even stated that he would personally deal with this issue at the congress when he returned.

SİHA carrying mortar entered the TAF inventory!

SİHA carrying mortar entered the TAF inventory!

Developed by STM and delivered to the TAF, Boyga SİHA differs from other members of the family in terms of its features.

News is updating…

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