The Penalty Meta Will Pay For The Cambridge-Analytica Scandal

Meta has agreed to pay a $725 million penalty for Facebook’s biggest privacy scandal in history, ‘Cambridge-Analytica’.

User data in the US elections in 2014 to Cambridge Analytica Facebook, which sold and signed the world’s largest data scandal, came to an end in this big case. Meta, the umbrella company of the platform,Cambridge-Analytica Scandal‘ because of to pay a penalty of 725 million dollars he accepted.

On the other hand, Meta refused to fully confess his guilt while agreeing to pay the fine. The company states that this agreement onlybest for the benefit of shareholders and the community” he shared.

With the deal, the scandal case finally came to an end:

With Meta accepting the sentence, the Cambridge-Analytica Scandal case, which has been going on since 2018, will also come to an end. The $750 million fine that Meta will pay is among data privacy lawsuits in U.S. history and Biggest penalty in meta history will be.

Let’s briefly recall the Cambridge-Analytica Scandal:

It all started with the confessions of an informant in 2018. Cambridge Analytica company approximately Data of 90 million Facebook usersIt turned out that it was offered without permission from users to be used for ad targeting in the US elections in 2016.

Moreover, it is considered that the advertisements created thanks to this data played a major role in Donald Trump’s victory.


How Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook Targeting Model Really Worked

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