The old competitor of Microsoft Excel is back!

Microsoft Excelis a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft. Thanks to Excel, computer users can easily perform many functions. So what was before Excel? If the answer to this question is Lotus-1-2-3. This program was sold to IBM in 1995. Lotus Software It was produced by in the 1980s. Microsoft Excel’s competitor Lotus-1-2-3 is now on a modern computer came to life again.

Lotus-1-2-3 is back to life on Linux!

It’s a fairly old spreadsheet program. Lotus-1-2-3moved to a new operating system. A Lotus-1-2-3 expert named Tavis Ormandy LinuxIt was successfully transferred to . Ormandy underlines that this is not a copy program. Instead, the program x86 Unix Lotus-1-2-3, developed for x86 Linux managed to run it in the operating system.

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Tavis used the following statements about his new work:

There are a few glitches that need to be fixed and I need to migrate my terminal driver, but it is 100 percent usable. The DOS version that is currently a copy of the program looks better but this can be fixed.

Ormandy is also fully involved in the program. a new display driver developed. In this way, the program will be able to work easily outside windows with a ratio of 80×25. Although years have passed Lotus-1-2-3It is truly remarkable that .

Lotus-1-2-3, IBM computers It was one of his first applications. The app, which had a huge boom in the 1980s, offered many conveniences. These include spreadsheet calculations, database development, and graphical charts. Lotus-1-2-3, dBase and WordPerfect It was considered as one of the most important applications.

However, in the early 1990s, Microsoft Excel With the emergence of GUI-based products such as Lotus-1-2-3He managed to leave behind. Lotushad difficulty responding to these new products. Although the company was acquired by IBM in 1995, it never fully recovered.

IBM continued to sell Lotus products for a long time, but in 2013 they too threw in the towel. In June of that year, IBM Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium Edition V9.x, IBM Lotus SmartSuite 9.x V9.8.0 and Organizer V6.1.0 announced the withdrawal of the Lotus brand, including IBM made the following statement at the time:

Customers will no longer receive support for these apps after September 30, 2014. No service extensions will be offered. There will be no new applications to replace these programs.

So, you Microsoft Excel What do you think about it? Do you think Microsoft Excel has a competitor? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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