The number of users of e-Government has been announced! – ShiftDelete.Net

Serving citizens since 2006 e-Government, The number of users is increasing day by day. TR Presidency Digital Transformation OfficeThe service, which is affiliated with , provides official documents and information to citizens online. The government portal, which frequently incorporates new features, is the latest e-signature was brought up with.

Applications for e-signature 21 December 2021 Let’s also say that the day will start. In other words, citizens will be able to create e-signatures without going to application centers. In the meantime, let us remind you that e-signature allows signing official documents over digital media.

Has ÖSYM and e-Pulse data been hacked? Shocking claims!

It was claimed that the data of the e-Pulse and Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), where our health data are kept, were stolen.

e-Government reached 57 million users

Presidential Digital Transformation Office made a statement today. In the announcement made on Twitter, “Our family is growing. e-Government Gateway 57 million users reached. Turkey’s digital face e-Government by our citizens this year Over 2.5 billion entries took place. The target for the end of the year is 3 billion.” it was said.

Alright, e-Government What does the portal do? This portal serves to transfer the service provided by the state to the citizens in electronic environment. Like this, fast, trustworthy and quality In this way, citizens can access the official information and documents they want. For example, it is possible to access your graduation certificate, whether you have health insurance, your vehicle tax and many other information.

However, to access the system TR ID number, password, e-signature or mobile signature is needed. In addition, some services have a secure payment system so that you can pay (for example, tax debt). The portal, which doubles the number of users every day, has reached 57 million users as of today.

Number of e-Government users reached 57 million

e-Government, last July 55 million exceeded the number of users. Last month, to the system, ‘Birth Notification Application‘ feature announced. In this way, parents will be able to apply for an identity card without going to the Population Directorate. Already in 2018 e-Birth This situation was made easier with the application.

Now e-Government from the phone with the ‘Birth Notification Application’ opened on ID card application possible to do. Parents, who can apply for a birth notification within 30 days after the birth, name, your religion and The person who will receive the Republic of Turkey Identity Card will be able to save the necessary information and approve it with an electronic signature.

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