The number of people over the age of 100 is expected to exceed 1 million

While many people don’t expect to live to be 100, the number of people reaching triple digits is increasing day by day. In 2030, this number is expected to exceed 1 million.

Thanks to different factors such as developments in science and technology, more resources, different living conditions, and social movements, the average life span of people is getting longer. As a result of this situation over 100 years old The number of people is also increasing.

Although Brazilian Josefa Maria’s da Conceicao is ambitious for the title of world’s oldest person, the 120-year-old woman could not get approval from Guinness. According to Guinness, the owner of this title 118 year old french nun Lucile Randon. This woman, better known as Sister Andre, is the official holder of the title of oldest person. The oldest man is Venezuelan Juan Vicente Mora, 113 years old. Apart from these people There are 621 thousand more people over the age of 100.

In 2030 their number will be 1 million

The world wasn’t always this crowded. in the last 200 years Our population growth has been in the form of an exponential increase. When the fact that we live longer is added to the fact that we are many in number, it was possible to reach the age of 100, which once seemed like a dream.

Number of people over the age of 100 in 1990 92 thousand was. Even though almost 7 times fewer people had reached the age of 100 at the time than today, that number was also a record for its time. In the past, these numbers were much lower.

Average life expectancy is also increasing


In 1960, when the United Nations began keeping records of the average human lifespan, people’s average life expectancy was 52 years. Global life expectancy today 75 years found it. Of course, this time varies from country to country, life expectancy in Japan was 85 years compared to 54 years in the Central African Republic.


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in 2030 more than 1 million people It is expected to be over 100 years old. Would you like to live that long?

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