The number of harmful applications in the Play Store has been announced!

Technology giant Google, in a blog post published today, shared the data of the Play Store’s harmful applications and accounts that were closed in 2021. The company, which introduced many innovations for privacy last year, additionally launched the Data Security feature this year.

Google Play Protect, on the other hand, pre-checks the harmful-looking Play Store applications that its users want to install on their devices and passes them through security checks. It also checks if the pre-installed apps on the device are harmful. So, how many malicious apps and accounts has the Play Store closed in the past year? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Google revenues plummet: Inflation, war and advertising pressure

Google’s revenue did not meet expectations for the first quarter of 2022. There was an inflation pressure on the incomes, which increased compared to the previous year.

Google blocked the spread of millions of harmful applications!

1.2 million harmful applications in the Play Store were closed by Google for violating privacy policies. The technology giant also closed 190 thousand malicious and 500 thousand abandoned accounts in 2021.

Google’s privacy policies have reduced access to sensitive APIs and user data for 98 percent of apps that migrated to Android 11 and later. The company shared that it thinks that the best way to keep user data safe is to limit access to data.

Google did not allow the collection of Advertising ID in apps for kids last year. Allowed all its users to completely delete their Advertising ID regardless of the app. The company has worked on security on all Pixel smartphones, including the Security Core and Security Center in Tensor processors.

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