The News “Anonymity Coming to WhatsApp” Is Not True!

A new feature of WhatsApp has again been wrongly served by the mainstream media. Here are the facts about the feature called “phone number privacy”, which is said to offer anonymity to users…

Mainstream media in Turkey is not working as it should. Unfortunately… In fact, a few days ago, there was an issue with Mercedes-Benz. how it was distorted we saw it all together. A few days had passed since our colleagues a scandalous business they signed. This time the world’s most popular instant messaging app WhatsApp A feature that was being developed for was misunderstood in the mainstream media and served in a completely different way. We do this too we came to fix!

In the Android beta version of WhatsApp with the code and the iOS beta version with the code, there is a new version developed for Communities. privacy option appeared. This feature, which can be experienced by some users, hide their phone numbers in communities was providing. Unfortunately, our media misunderstood this feature. So many headlines were made that those who saw it began to think that this feature would serve to completely hide the phone number on WhatsApp. Because, according to the headline of most news sources, WhatsApp, “anonymouscould be used as “.

Here is one of those examples:

We shared the screenshot above. in the newsusers of WhatsApp to make it anonymous is mentioned. Can’t understand where they got this from. However, the content already tells that this is related to the Communities feature.

Google search result

However, for some reason, it is still emphasized that users will become anonymous. Meanwhile; like this there are many examples let me specify. You can see it for yourself with a little Google search. There are even popular tech sites among them…

This is what WhatsApp’s Phone number privacy feature looks like:


Some of our colleagues are so far off the mark that they even misrepresent the Communities feature. Communities can be thought of as the WhatsApp equivalent of Telegram’s channels feature. In communities, only admins are allowed to post messages and make announcements. Users can send reaction emojis to sent messages. Here is the new feature of WhatsApp exactly here Activated. In the past, users’ phone numbers could be seen by opening the reactions sent to the message in the communities. With the new feature, when the phone number is hidden, this situation disappears.


WhatsApp Will Separate Work and Friendship: Here are 2 New Features to be Implemented

We are against the public misinformation! We’re in an industry where misunderstanding is acceptable, but there’s a difference between misunderstanding the issue and spreading the word publicly. Stay tuned for accurate information…

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