The National Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS) ignition test was successful!

The Turkish Space Agency was established at the end of 2018 as a result of the studies started in the past years. TUA continues to work for the spacecraft it has developed until the end of 2023 to make a hard landing on the surface of the Moon. In this direction, the first ignition test was carried out for the National Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS).

New details have emerged about the HIS that will take Turkey to the Moon!

Turkish Space Agency (TUA) shared new information about the National Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS), which will carry the spacecraft to the Moon within the scope of AYAP-1.

The National Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS) has successfully passed the ignition tests!

According to the post made by TUA, the National Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS), which will take our spacecraft to the Moon as part of the Lunar Research Mission (AYAP – 1), has successfully passed the system level ignition test.

It is estimated that this first step taken by TUA, TÜBİTAK and Delta V Space Technologies is only the beginning of future space programs and will pave the way. It is even said that one day we will be able to send our own astronauts into space, just like NASA.

However, in a post made by TUBITAK as part of the 12 April International Day of Manned Space Flight, he said that after the necessary training, a Turkish citizen will be sent to the International Space Station in 2023 to perform scientific missions.


Of course, it is estimated that this Turkish citizen, who will be sent to space, will be sent to the International Space Station again within the scope of the project, which NASA sent a 4-person civilian astronaut team to the ISS, breaking new ground in the past few days.

Goals of the National Space Program

  • To launch Turkey’s manned space missions.
  • To offer scientists the opportunity to experiment using the International Space Station infrastructure.
  • To increase Turkey’s visibility in space.
  • To encourage young people to work in the space field.
  • To increase interest in science and technology.
  • To support Cube Satellite studies.

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