The Movie “Our Personal Matter” Gained Reaction on Social Media

The shooting of the movie Our Personal Matter, which will tell the story of the February 6 earthquakes, has started. However, social media was divided on the film.

We are still trying to heal the wounds February 6 earthquakes, caught our country unprepared and was remembered as a great disaster. Accordingly, countless citizens; He had to break away from his home, his loved ones and the values ​​he was attached to.

It emerged at an “unfortunate time”, according to social media comments, as the wounds were still healing. Our Personal Matter The film became the focus of criticism on social media. The shooting of the film, which has been in preparation for 7.5 months, has started. Let’s clarify why this movie is the subject of so much controversy.

The movie will be about what happened during the earthquake.

The premiere of the movie, whose shooting is expected to be completed in 1 month, was held on the date of the earthquake. It will be held in Hatay on February 6th. The film includes names such as Cezmi Baskin, Uğur Çavuşoğlu, Ömer Ahmet, Hilal Anay and Özmen in its cast. From Hatay Governor Mustafa Masatlı also receives support. Masatlı’s statement about the film is as follows:

founder of our republic Gazi Mustafa Kemal AtaturkHe said that Hatay province is “my personal matter”. Of course, based on this statement, we, as the people of this nation, are trying to show that Hatay is also our issue, as we are completely connected to this land.”

“Today is the first shooting day of the movie ‘Our Personal Matter’. We are together with the producer Bülent Bey, our director and the artists we know from all over Turkey. They actually watch these scenes by reviving how big this disaster was and how a nation could rise from this disaster and get back on its feet. trying to get back to normal they are trying to show.

Actress Hilal Anay’s words also drew reactions from different audiences:

I play a person who lost his wife. He is in ruins and cannot accept this, cannot understand it, and constantly rejects it. I’m actually trying to explain his awakening and while playing the scenes Actually, we don’t play, we live.

“Because 50 meters away from us this pain 8 months ago with people who lived in the heat We shoot together. We are in contact, we are very close. When the scene ends, I make eye contact and I think that moment is indescribable for an actor.

The fact that the wrecks were used as decorations in the background, the fact that the surrounding people saw these scenes during the shooting, whether everything would really be told in the movie, and Governor Masatlı’s “trying to get back to normalHis statements on ” stand out as the main topics of complaints on social media.

Some of the reactions on social media:

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