The most popular GIF images of 2021!

GIF one of the leading figures GIPHYannounced the most prominent GIFs of its platform. The most popular GIF of the year did not surprise again this time. The Office‘of USA GIF from version, Stanley HudsonIt contains the bored pose of . This is a response to the events that took place this year.

The Office generally GIF became a mine for its producers. GIPHYThis GIF is on the web alone, according to 636 million more viewed. If this popularity makes good money, there is a possibility that new episodes of the series may arrive. The series, which is in the situation comedy genre, was very popular at the time it was released.

The application and game worth 256 TL became free!

Google Play Store made a total of 13 applications and games free of charge, with a value of 256 TL this week.

Top 5 most popular GIF images of 2021

GIPHYWhile the list shared by ‘ continues, a sad-faced Pikachu is located. This GIFYou can usually use when you are upset about something or you want to express it to the other person. This GIF image of Pikachu on the platform is in total 457 million received views.

Sad Lonely GIF by Pokémon - Find & Share on GIPHY

Pikachu‘NS Agnes It is followed by a fictional character named. This GIFHe winks as if he knows too much. This GIF looks pretty funny. GIPHYin total of 410 million The GIF, which is displayed on it, seems to be highly appreciated by the users.

next The Weekend is located. In the current GIF, we see The Weekend trying to find his way in a confused state. NFL This GIF shared by of 305 million reached view.

next most popular GIF, Star Wars from the movie Baby Yoda it happened. another name Grogu character with GIPHY‘to Disney+ Uploaded by This GIF is in total 295 million exceeded view.

As group GIPHY Most popular listed by 10 GIFs out of 4.5 billion in total got more views. One of the biggest reasons for the increasing popularity of GIF use is that it is seen as a communication tool. With this method, we can visually convey emotional reactions.

You GIPHYThe most popular GIFWhat do you think about ‘s? Don’t forget to mention your ideas in the comments!

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