The Most Miserly Woman in the World: Hetty Green

We all know that by not being extravagant, being thrifty enough gives some return, and we can even invest and make a profit with this return. But can thrift turn into stinginess one day make you the richest person in the world?

In our society, people who show stingy behavior It is often reminded that death is a fact, by saying that “the shroud has no pockets”. The purpose is to remind the person who goes beyond frugality that they may be on the wrong track. Being stingy is a behavior that is condemned in many societies. Indeed, there is a line between being thrifty and being stingy.

Officially with you today the meanest person in the world and the story of Hetty Green, who was the richest woman in the world during her lifetime.

He almost ripped off reading in the economy papers

Henrietta Howland Robinson or for short HettyHe was born in New Bedford, USA in 1834. Hetty, one of the two children of Edward and Abby couple, became the only child of the family with the death of her brother at the age of two.

As soon as Hetty opened her eyes to the world, she met a wealthy family. His mother was the only daughter of a prominent fishing family, and his father was interested in the economy. His grandfather, with whom he lived, can’t see well because he’s getting old, news about the economy Has 6-year-old Hetty read itdu.

By the age of 13, Hetty had been so immersed in economic and financial documents that it inevitably gave her a wealth of knowledge and had not yet When he was 13 years old, his family was responsible for accounting. assumed.

Painful losses in a row, but also heavy legacies…

Daughter and Wife

Hetty lost her mother when she was 26. Mother Abby, the daughter of a wealthy family, would leave a serious legacy to her daughter and husband. According to the records, the mother was approx. 120 thousand dollars left a legacy.

With Abby’s legacy, both father and aunt made various investments under Hetty’s direction, but Hetty lost both her aunt and father within 5 years. of these two Hetty inherited nearly $11 million left.

Smart steps made Hetty even richer

Hetty Green

Hetty, with her outstanding financial skills, has been dealing with accounting since the age of 13; At the age of 31, he also controlled a huge fortune of his own. on the one hand while providing loans with interest to important institutions and investorsOn the other hand, he made investments in businesses that he saw as a guarantee.

Could Hetty be the architect of the marriage contract?

Hetty Green

Hetty had met a wealthy gentleman named Edward Green, but wasn’t quite sure about marriage. Would her fortune be damaged if she married Edward? Could Edward be after Hetty’s fortune? While all these questions were on Hetty’s mind; that despite the marriage, Edward would not lay claim to Hetty’s fortune. after signing a formal contract Hetty and Edward got married.

Hetty spent money maybe once and for all

Hetty Green

Despite the contract between them, Hetty must not have felt comfortable. 18th anniversary of their marriage Edward and Hetty officially separated but continued to live together.

After this separation, Edward’s business did not go well and he went bankrupt. Payable to the bank after bankruptcy 500 thousand dollarsI though Hetty had paid; Hetty never forgave Edward for bankruptcy and left home.

A millionaire who stays in hostels to avoid real estate taxes?

home pose

Separated from Edward, Hetty needed to find a place to stay for herself and her two children, but Hetty to avoid paying taxes He has not bought any real estate to date. Although he had no place to stay, he had no intention of buying it.

According to Hetty, the most logical solution is find a cheap hostelti. He was one of the richest people in the world, but he spent his life in cheap hostels until his death.

Hetty’s life is nothingness in presence.

Dog and Green

Eyes on Hetty a rich man living in cheap hostels You’d be making a huge mistake if you portrayed it as a character, because he has many other strange preferences. For example, she usually prefers to wear black as it stains less. He wears so much black that he is admired by his surroundings. Witch of Wall Street is referred to as.

Despite his enormous wealth, he drives an old car, eat at the cheapest restaurantsmakes hard bargains everywhere, never uses branded products. In short, Hetty is a happy person the less money she spends.

Child lost his leg because of cheaper hospital call


One day, while Hetty is living in a hostel with her two children, her son is injured in his leg. The child needs hospital treatment, but Hetty, not willing to give money to hospitals. Hetty wants to go to hospitals that provide free health care, but all the hospitals near the hostel where she stays are paid.

A little further away they find a free health center, but it was too late and the leg got gangrene. Hetty’s Child’s leg amputated in search of a free hospital. Shortly after this event, Hetty is diagnosed with a hernia, but Hetty, who does not want to pay for the surgery, continues her life using a stick.

a worthy death


Hetty, the richest woman in the world, who spent her life with stinginess; At a market where he went to buy milk at the age of 81, Negotiating with the cashier because the milk is expensive discusses. During this discussion, he has a heart attack and dies.

Upon his death, he had two children in total. 200 million dollars He left a fortune (about $6 billion today). Both of his children donated their wealth to charities, schools and churches before they died.

He entered the Guinness Book of Records with his stinginess


During his lifetime, richest woman in the world Hetty, who has the title the meanest woman in the world It also entered the Guinness Book of Records. About Hetty, her close circle also explained that Hetty provided financial aid to families in need, but did not tell anyone because she thought that the aid should be kept confidential.

Hetty’s stories in the cinema

Movie scene

If you want to get to know Hetty Green, who is notorious for her stinginess; You can watch 1931’s The She-Wolf and 1934’s You Can’t Buy Everything.

so you Hetty Green What do you think about it?

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