The Most Invested Altcoin Projects Announced: Here are 29 Coins!

Trading over $40,000 per unit as of 2022, Bitcoin was designed in 2008 to be able to exchange money, usually over the internet, and has proven its “resilience” for 14 years. Next to Ethereum, Cardano, Zcash, Chainlink, Algorand and other altcoin projects, the most well-known cryptocurrency is often Bitcoin. While research suggests that meme-based cryptos like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are getting closer to Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency always comes first when it comes to awareness. In this article, let’s list the most invested cryptocurrencies and take a look at how they are classified.

Here are the 29 most invested altcoins

The top 5 cryptocurrencies in the list of most invested cryptocurrencies are the following cryptocurrencies.

  • bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Binance Coin
  • wither
  • cardano

Further down the list are the following cryptocurrencies:

  • XRP, Terra, Polkadot, Avalanche, Dogecoin, Polygon, TerraUSD, Algorand, Litecoin, NEAR Protocol, Cosmos, Bitcoin Cash, Internet Computer, TRON, Stellar, Phantom, VeChain, Hedera, Filecoin, Theta Network

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