The Most Detailed “Map” of the Brain Ever Made

Scientists from the University of Sydney have revealed the most detailed map of the brain to date. The map provided important information about the hippocampus region in particular.

Our organ, thanks to which we can think, experience emotions and accumulate memories. brainstill continues to host great mysteries. This time, the brain, which scientists make a new discovery every day, mapped in greater detail than ever before.

Scientists from the University of Sydney have discovered that the hippocampus part of the brain plays the roles of memory and navigation. communication network revealed. The resulting map describes the ensembles of neurons in the nervous system. pathways formed by white matter showed.

The most detailed map of the brain:

The image we saw above was a map of the brain regions that, according to the scientists, are directly linked to the hippocampus and support an important role in memory formation. Map, Another surprising result regarding the hippocampus is revealed.

On the map, your hippocampus brain decides, have less connections to regions in the frontal lobe that work on memory and evaluation tasks. pointed. The most connections were between regions where visual information was processed.

brain map

While this was considered ‘surprising’, especially considering the role of the hippocampus, it was actually not surprising. At the beginning of the study, Dr. Marshall Dalton explained this situation in these words:

“This makes sense considering that the hippocampus plays an important role not only in memory but also in our imagination and ability to form mental images in our mind’s eye.”

While the hippocampus helps us in finding direction, in this process, while imagining an area that we take into our memory, It also allows us to create images in our minds. So when thinking about a place you’ve been to before, the hippocampus also comes into play.

So how was this map created?

To create the map, scientists led by the US National Institutes of Health “Human Connectome Projectbenefited from MRI scans of many brains collected under the These data were processed with special methods developed for research, and connections between all brain regions emerged.

The created map is expected to help against health conditions that affect memory, such as Alzheimer’s.

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