The money stolen by North Korean hackers is astonishing!

North Korean The damage done by fraudsters to the cryptocurrency market has become clear. According to the latest report published, East Asia While centered attacks were listed, the money stolen by hackers was astonishing. According to the data researched for 2021, there is a serious increase in the attacks of North Korean attackers.

Blockchain analysis company chainalysisThe report presented by ‘s to the internet world also includes very important data. Also shared information North Korea The response from the front was not delayed.

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Serious scam from North Korean scammers

While an increase is observed in the number of attacks compared to the data of the previous year, there is also a significant difference in the amount of stolen money. 2020 in the year only 4 attacks hackers who can do this figure almost double managed to get it out. In addition, it was learned that the obtained value increased by 40 percent. According to the data revealed, only 2021 in the year 7 attack performing North Korean hackers, 400 million dollars He succeeded in making a crypto currency hit.

North Korea

The company that published the analysis received the money from the hackers, North Korea He claimed that he transferred it to accounts controlled by his state. On the other hand, the government denied these allegations with a standard text and declared that they were not related. Hackers, who take the crypto money of investors from their wallets, resort to a number of classical methods, especially phishing traps, malware and system vulnerabilities.

Hackers, who prefer hot wallets, which are especially in the most vulnerable areas in the crypto money world, seem to be quite successful in this regard. also chainalysisthe institution that carried out the attacks, Lazarus Group thinks it is. North Korean Intelligence Bureau There are strong impressions that the formation, which is believed to be controlled by, may be responsible for all 7 attacks.

on the other hand North Korea management, on the other hand, has its own ideas about laundering the stolen money. United NationsAccording to the accusation, the country is using the profits in the crypto money market, especially in the nuclear warhead expenditures. Let’s see how long the issue, which is moving towards an important issue, will remain on the agenda, we will wait and see.

So how do you evaluate the published report? How do you think it is possible to avoid the crypto currency hoax? Do not forget to share your views with us.

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