The Mistake We All Make in Everyday Life: Stupid Cougar Syndrome

As humans, we have a great success at throwing away realistic goals by wasting time chasing unrealistic goals. In psychology, this situation is even given a special name…

Cougars, as is known, are very agile predators. Cougars, which can run with extremely agile movements and can do this even at very high speeds, It is known for constantly increasing its speed while chasing its prey.

These deadly runs of cougars sometimes don’t go for the animals they hunt, and sometimes for themselves. The effects are devastating for both sides; The caught prey dies, and the puma who cannot catch it experiences a great loss of energy. So for cougars getting the runs right It is very important.

Because cougars are extremely intelligent animals, they make different adjustments to different prey.

For example, the characteristics of the run they will make while hunting a gazelle and the features of the run they will make after a rabbit. is quite different. They determine the amount of energy they will spend according to the size of the loot they will get at the end of the run.

If they have spent too much energy running and will not be able to compensate when they catch prey, they stop running and go to their corners.

If we adapt this situation to ourselves, stupid cougar syndrome, chasing a small goal It expresses the mistake made by people who wear themselves out for years by running longer than necessary for a small reward. What needs to be done is to set ourselves goals that are really worth striving for and spend our energies on them.

So try to ask yourself the following question often: “When I achieve what I aim for, will my efforts be worth it?”


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