The market shopping period starts on WhatsApp!

WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging platform, plans to increase the user experience with its innovations. The company aims to expand the service of the platform. Continuing to work in this direction, the company is partnering with JioMart.

Meta brings grocery shopping to WhatsApp with JioMart

Meta, the umbrella company of WhatsApp, pressed the button to expand the usage areas of the platform. The company launched its e-commerce venture in India today. Meta started to provide grocery shopping service on the platform by cooperating with JioMart.

A life-saving feature is coming to WhatsApp groups!

WhatsApp brings Telegram-like profile photos in group chats. It will be easier to determine who sent messages in groups.

Meta stated that they can browse JioMart’s entire grocery catalog on WhatsApp, add items to cart, buy locally without leaving the instant messaging service. On the other hand, the CEO of the company, Mark Zuckerberg, stated that this initiative has been tried two years ago and he wants to spread it all over the world. Zuckerberg explained the deal with the following statements.

We are excited to launch our partnership with JioMart in India. This is our first end-to-end shopping experience on WhatsApp. People can now buy food from JioMart. Additionally, grounded experiences like this will be the way people and businesses communicate for years to come.


The company takes online shopping seriously. On the other hand, WhatsApp’s only entry other than messaging is not limited to this. The company is currently working on the Maps feature, which is preparing to enter the Beta phase. Along with the maps, many places such as nearby markets, cafes, hotels and so on will be displayed via WhatsApp.

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