The Journey of the Computer Mouse from Past to Present

Computers could be used with a keyboard until the 60s. Then they suddenly made a small but powerful friend. A friend who facilitates many tasks such as data entry, gaming and graphic design. Yes, we are talking about the mouse. So how did this friendship start?

Computer mice in their early years slow moving vehicles. However, over time, with the developments in technology, these tiny but giant tools have developed quite a lot.

Now optical and magnetic sensor The use of ergonomically designed and extremely fast mice equipped with advanced technologies has become widespread. Mice, which offer ease of use in many areas, have a developing and changing history like every computer element. We are here with the journey of the mouse, which has become an indispensable part of computers, from the past to the present.

Computer mice of the style we use today were not made available to all users until the 80s.

But the foundations of the technology behind the computer mouse were laid much earlier. The main component of the mouse, which has a very different design from today’s, is mounted on some hardware. It was a five-pin bowling ball.

Royal Canadian Navy during WWII ‘trackball’ The first mouse he named was not patented because it was used for military purposes, and his information was highly confidential. This mouse helped the user to track the planes on the radar.

The invention of the computer mouse, which is considered the ancestor of the mice we use today, dates back to 1964.

first mouse 1963

The mice we use today are so light that we can move them in any direction. However, the first mouse had the opposite design and weight. The mouse had two wheels resembling a pizza slicer. The first mouse developed by Douglas Engelbart, who studied electrical engineering at the University of Oregon a wooden shell was in the form.

Initially this device ‘XY position indicator for imaging system’ was named. This long name, which was uninteresting from a marketing point of view, had to be changed. The mouse got its name because the product’s protruding cord reminds a mouse’s tail. The mouse, which was a great invention for that period, was patented in 1970.

In 1968, the Telefunken company launched the Rollkugel (rolling ball). It had a trackball with a single button underneath and was used to draw vector graphics.

telefunken mouse

By 1972, mice began to gradually change shape and take their present form.

Unlike the first mouse, Bill English replaced wood with plastic, instead of wheels if one ball placed it. The ball inside the mouse turned the thin wheels placed on the sides as the mouse moved and moved the cursor in all directions.

With the technological developments in 1980, the first optical mouse was invented by Xerox.

xerox parc

Lisa M. Williams and Robert S. Cherry noticed that the ball inside the rat collects dirt after a while, slows down and becomes heavier. Therefore, the lighter optical mouse they invented. However, because of the cost, it was in the late 90s that the optical mouse became widespread.

Xerox’s mice caught the attention of Steve Jobs, who wanted to negotiate shares. However, Jobs wanted to produce more efficient and functional products.

apple lisa

Having signed an agreement with Xerox, Apple in 1983 Lisa released his mouse computer. Lisa was not a very successful mouse, but the Macintoshes produced a year later, together with their mice, made a lot of noise. The Macintosh mouse was so popular that the media ‘more than a technical magic show’ was introduced.

Mice did not undergo much physical change in the following years. However, there have been some developments in the working technique.

first wireless mouse

Logitech produced a wireless mouse that works with infrared signals in 1984. This first wireless mouse went down in history. Mice, which had similar designs for about ten years, gained the scroll wheel feature in 1996.

first laser mouse

By 2004 first laser mouse It was released by Logitech. After this mouse, which especially attracted the attention of gamers, many mouse and computer equipment customized for gamers began to be produced.

It is a matter of curiosity what state the computer mice will take from now on, which changes and develops day by day according to the needs of the users. After 3D mice, mice that are controlled by the eye movements of the users, who knows, maybe we control the mice with our minds, not physically. What do you guys think about this issue?


15 Worst Mouse Designs That Turn People From Using Computers

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