The Impact of Pain Threshold on Our Vote at the Ballot Box

Recently, due to the local elections, each of us went to the polls and cast our votes. Undoubtedly, many factors were effective in the decision-making process. But one of these factors was probably one you hadn’t even considered.

In fact, one of the factors that shaped our game in this process was related to our pain threshold. “What does pain tolerance have to do with politics?” We seem to hear you say, but studies conducted at this point show that the impact of this relationship is considerable.

Alright This connection between our political views and pain threshold How exactly was it set up?

First of all, each individual’s perception of pain is different and this perception is; It is affected by age, gender, genetic factors, mood and cultural influences.

It also refers to the point at which a person begins to react to stimuli such as temperature or pressure. In fact, a person with a low pain threshold While you may feel pain even at a lower level of stimulation Someone with a high pain threshold can also withstand higher levels of stimulation.

So how are our political views shaped?

political difference of opinion

According to general judgment, political tendencies, within the framework of logic and consciousness, based on evidence and reasoning progresses. At this point, various studies conducted in recent years reveal that the truth of the matter is not as simple as it seems. In other words, a person’s personality directly affects his political views.

When we include genetic science, the picture we encounter continues to become interesting. For example, it has been proven that the gene called 5HTT, which plays a role in serotonin production, creates a significant difference in religious views. Likewise, the DRD4 gene Those who constantly pursue innovation and change is related.

According to researchers, people’s political views are closely linked to their moral views.

political difference of opinion

For this reason, some people can shape their political views within the framework of their moral views. But of course it contributes to supporting moral and political views that are contrary to one’s own ideology. internal factors also available.

In this context, experts say that people with opposing political views are more open to supporting their common values. sensitivity to pain they discovered.

Subsequently, higher sensitivity to physical pain, will equate to a higher sensitivity to the physical and social pain of others and they hypothesized that it would lead to stronger moral views.

Researchers soon rolled up their sleeves to support these hypotheses.


As a result, people who support a certain opinion and have higher pain sensitivity are more likely to attach importance to moral values ​​such as loyalty and authority. They show closeness to people with opposing views they saw.

Similarly, the side that prioritized moral values ​​also supported the opposing view, which gave more support to values ​​such as justice and freedom. In summary, the pain threshold that people have is It has a previously undiscovered effect on political views.

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