The heaviest element in the planet’s atmosphere!

Scientists have long habitable planets calling. In this process, in addition to detecting exoplanets or examining their orbits, attention is paid to many different factors. One of the most important points among these is that the planets their atmosphere It takes good analysis.

Barium in the atmosphere created a great surprise!

James Webb Space Telescope We can now look at the atmospheres of exoplanets, examine the surface temperature, pressure and weather systems of the planet. We can even take a look at what materials the atmospheres of those planets consist of.

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European Southern ObservatoryUsing the ground-based Very Large Telescope, researchers from . WASP-76b and WASP-121b Researchers examining two ultra-hot gas giants called the planets revealed that there is the element Barium in their atmospheres.

The two planets orbiting extremely close to their respective stars are therefore extremely close to their respective stars. to high surface temperatures is hosting. In fact, WASP-76b fell from the sky. pouring iron as rain in detected condition.

Researchers have found that a very heavy element BariumThey are astonished at the fact that it takes place in the atmosphere. In a statement on the subject, Tomás Azevedo Silva and Olivier Demangeon, lead authors of the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) in Portugal, used the following statements:

The puzzling and illogical part is: Why is there such a heavy element in the upper atmospheres of these planets?

Given the planets’ high gravity, we would expect heavy elements such as barium to drop rapidly into the lower atmosphere.

Researchers are quite a heavy element They still aren’t sure what causes Barium, which is a mineral, to appear in exoplanet atmospheres. It is stated that more research will be done to understand where barium comes from and how it is found at such high points in the atmosphere.

of barium boiling point It is worth noting that it is 1,897 degrees. So what do you think about the presence of a heavy element like Barium in the atmosphere of these exoplanets? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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