The Harmful Effect of the Sun What is the UV Index, How to Protect it?

The sun is one of the main sources of life on Earth. However, as it gives life, it can also lead to death because it causes problems such as skin cancer. The UV index, which shows the radiation value in the sun’s rays, is therefore extremely important. Let’s take a closer look at what the UV index is and see the Turkey UV index.

Sun; It warms and illuminates our world, and in this way we sustain our life. Moreover, the main source of vital vitamin D is the sun rays. Unfortunately, if the Sun is not taken care of, it can cause death as well as life. UV index, which indicates the radiation contained in the sun’s rays, it tells people when they can go outside and how much UV index they can be exposed to in sunny weather.

Many people don’t know what the UV index is, but we all know that we shouldn’t be out much at noon. It is the UV index that gives us this information. If the level of radiation in the sun’s rays is not taken into account and the necessary protective measures are not taken, it can cause skin cancer and even death. Bride What is the UV index, how to protect it, what is the best value, what is the Turkey UV index Let’s take a closer look.

What is the UV index?

The UV index, that is, the ultraviolet index, which was developed and accepted by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization in 1994; found in ultraviolet rays from the sun It is a unit of measurement that indicates the level of radiation.

UV index is a unit of measurement accepted by the whole world. Some media organizations in the weather bulletin They also share the UV index value. According to this value, people determine the duration of exposure to sunlight and try to protect themselves from these harmful rays by taking precautions when necessary.

Harms of high UV index:

skin cancer

People who are directly exposed to sunlight with a high UV index increased risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer and cataract formation increase as a result of exposure to high UV index in white-skinned, blonde, red-haired, blue-eyed, green-eyed and gray-eyed people.

Even if there is no high UV index, it is harmful for people to be exposed to direct intense sun rays. sensitive skin and people who have too many moles too is on the danger line. For this reason, experts do not find it appropriate to go out unprotected at noon almost everywhere in the world.

What should be the ideal UV index? UV index values:

uv index

  • 0 – 2 UV index The sun’s rays are at their most harmless.
  • 3 – 5 UV index It is appropriate to stay under the sun for about 20 minutes.
  • 6 -7 UV index It should not be under the sun for more than 15 minutes and protective measures should be taken.
  • 8 – 10 UV index It should not be under the sun for more than 10 minutes and protective measures should be taken.
  • at UV index greater than 11 You should not stay under the sun for more than 5 minutes, or even go out at all if possible.

This is how the effects of UV index values ​​and exposure times are. 8 – 10 UV index and above, It is the most dangerous value for living things. However, lower values ​​can also be dangerous for patients, the elderly, children and infants. It is best to listen to the daily forecasts of the experts and take their warnings seriously.

Turkey UV index:


The UV index of our country is generally at a normal level. However, between 12:00 and 14:00, and between 11:00 and 15:00 in summer. It is recommended not to stay under the sun. Because, especially in summer, the UV index in the Mediterranean region rises to the extremely dangerous level of 8-10. So it’s always good to be on the alert.

Cloudy weather does not mean low UV index. After all this Radiation continues to come to our Earth somehow. For this reason, it is recommended to take necessary protective measures, even in cloudy or less sun-drenched regions, such as our Black Sea region.

How to protect from high UV index?

suntan cream

Although the UV index is a cool term, the things we need to do to protect ourselves are things we have known since our childhood. It should not be exposed to the sun directly, should prefer shadows, We should wear a hat, use sunglasses, use sunscreen suitable for skin type and drink plenty of water. It’s best not to be exposed at all, of course.

It is a scientific fact that dark-skinned people are the least affected group by the high UV index. But under the sun Feeling uncomfortable does not mean staying away from its harmful effects. For this reason, all people must take the necessary protective measures when they will be exposed to intense sunlight.

indicating the level of radiation contained in the sun’s rays What is the UV index, how to protect it, what is the Turkey UV index We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about the details you need to know about the subject. What we describe is for informational purposes only. You should definitely consult a doctor to find out how long you stay under the sun.

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