The Future Is In Bitcoin, According To The South Park Screenwriters

South Park, one of the most famous animated series in America, known for its frequent handling of current issues, showed that Bitcoin was used as the main payment tool in one scene.

In the “Post COVID” episode of the 24th season aired on Thursday, South Park features one of the protagonists, Stan Marsh, to stay in a motel nearly 40 years after the pandemic. Bitcoin (BTC) using payment while depicted.

The motel clerk said, “This is the future, we all agreed that central banking was fraudulent. That’s why we rely more on the pyramid scheme, which is fraud,” he said, referring to the fraud analogies for Bitcoin.

Many in the crypto space know South Park for his criticism of the US government and banks’ response after the 2008 financial crisis. Other future predictions in the final section include autonomous vehicles and holographic digital assistants.

While it is now common to refer to cryptocurrency and blockchain in the media, this was not always the case. The first TV series to feature Bitcoin was released in January 2012. The Good Wife’outside.

The famous animated series The Simpsons showed that the price of bitcoin went forever in the stock flow in one scene and in The Blacklist He claimed to know the true identity of James Spader’s character, Satoshi.

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