The first tweet in history is on sale as NFT: Here’s the astonishing price!

There is no one who has not heard the term NFT, which has become very popular lately. These tokens, which we can explain as a unit of data stored in a digital ledger called a blockchain, confirming that a digital asset is unique and therefore not interchangeable, have now begun to appear in all areas of our lives.

Last year, Twitter founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey’s first tweet on March 21, 2006 was sold as NFT. Recently, this tweet went up for sale again. And to an astonishing number…

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Jack Dorsey’s tweet re-sold as NFT

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s post in 2006 is also the historical his first tweet has the title ”just setting up my twttr” message was sold as NFT for $2.9 million last year to Sina Estavi, CEO of Bridge Oracle. Estavi, who is also of Turkish origin, announced that he had re-sold this tweet a while ago.

NFT tweets
The first tweet in history is on sale as NFT to an astonishing figure

Estavi released the first tweet in history on the famous NFT trading platform OpenSea. The fee demanded by the CEO for NFT is 14,969 Ethereum, at the current price of $48 million. Let’s add that NFT is valued approximately 16 times in one year, considering the price at which it goes on sale.

Just like Jack Dorsey did last year, Sina Estavi announced that she will donate some of the proceeds to charities. Estavi will donate 50 percent of the proceeds to Give Directly (a non-profit organization operating in East Africa by making an unconditional cash transfer via mobile phone to families living in extreme poverty) in case of the sale.

Sina Estavi’s announcement to donate half of the proceeds to charity also received a question from Jack Dorsey. Dorsey asked Estavi why he didn’t donate 99 percent. Estavi responded to Dorsey with the following statements;

I don’t want the rest for myself. I would rather use the rest for blockchain projects and help people in Bridge Oracle. But your suggestion is valuable to me. If you want, I can donate the whole thing to charities. Just say it.

So what do you think about this subject? Do you think this NFT can be sold for the desired amount? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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