The Era of Earning Money from Every Share on X is Over

Elon Musk made a big change to X’s monetization feature. The era of making money from every share is now over. The user who spreads false information will earn less money.

Billionaire businessman Elon Musk about the world’s largest microblogging platform made an important decision explained. According to Elon Musk’s statement on the platform, X’s monetization feature will now also take into account the quality of the shares. So it’s time to make money from every share. is ending.

According to the statement made by Elon Musk, “Community NotesContent corrected by ” will no longer make money. Elon Musk announced that they took this decision to combat disinformation. Now, consciously or unconsciously, spreading misinformation The user will not be able to earn money for that post on X. Elon Musk’s new decision came with some controversy.

How does the Community Notes system work?

X’s Community Notes feature, which has been in our lives for a long time, allows users to to make corrections provides. We see the benefit of this most when major social events occur. Some segments of society may consciously or unconsciously share information to spread false information. These posts can be corrected by the “Community”, where anyone who wishes can register. There is a section below the post regarding a post that has been corrected. The truth of the incident is revealed.


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This is exactly what Elon Musk’s decision is about. However, there is a serious problem here. Some users who have registered as a “Community” are subject to criticism from some content creators for their posts. They can make corrections knowingly. The purpose here may be to prevent the creator from making money. Speaking about this, Elon Musk said that since the system is open source, cannot be passed states. The new decision regarding X seems to be pregnant with great chaos.

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