The Effect of Video Games on Child Development Explained

A study on e-sports, which attracts as much attention as other sports branches today, shows that training children about video games from a young age can positively affect their development. Parents, on the other hand, disagreed with the researchers.

Today, e-sports has become as interesting as any other sport. Esports tournaments of League of Legends, Valorant, Counter-Strike and many more games continue to be held all over the world. And yet, there is a huge increase in the number of players playing the games. Despite this, many people still do not see being an esportsperson as a profession.

Think about your childhood and say to your family, “I’m going to be an e-athlete”. How would they react? If you think they will support you, you should know that your parents are one of the few who approve, because according to a study, the vast majority of parents do not favor their children’s careers in esports.

Having e-sports in the school curriculum can benefit children’s development

According to a study by Dell Technologies in the UK, 37 percent of parents to pursue a career in e-sports. welcomed, while the remaining 67 percent is worried. The vast majority of parents don’t even want their children to play video games as they develop, but researchers say adding esports to children’s school curriculum will benefit their development. Against this view of the researchers, parents 69 percent thinks that the traditional curriculum should be adhered to.


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Children who receive e-sports training do not need to be e-sportsmen, but this training is thought to be beneficial in the future. At the same time, children who want to be e-sportsmen can be provided with the opportunity to achieve more successful works with this education. According to the researchers, students who study video games are more likely to be more active in online spaces and competitive environments. healthy relationships can set up. At the same time, their display in video games trolling and toxic behavior detecting and correcting at the initial stage is seen as a big step forward.

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