The Developer of Pokémon GO Will Create Metaverse in the Real World with 300 Million Dollars of Investment

Software company Niantic, the developer of Pokémon GO, plans to use Coute’s $300 million investment to create a real-life metaverse.

worth $9 billion Nianticis an American software company headquartered in San Francisco. Augmented reality (AR) game He is also the developer of Pokémon GO. John Hanke, founder and CEO of the company “We are building a future where the real world is overlaid with digital creations, entertainment and information, making it more magical, entertaining and informative,” he said.

The company is not looking for a future where people are immersed in the virtual world by wearing VR glasses, but in real life. will increase and encourage physical togetherness and sociability aims to create a metaverse. “Unlike the imagined metaverse, the real-life metaverse will use technology to enhance our experience of life as we know it for thousands of years,” Hanke, CEO of the company. made statements.

Hanke previously stated in his statement about Metaverse in August that they believe that the virtual world’s directing people to the physical world is the real thing that will make them happy.

Image: Pokemon Go modified by Koin Bulletin.

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