The description of Poison Zemberek ChatGPT from the Father of the Internet

“Vint Cerf”, known as the father of the internet, made very harsh statements about the artificial intelligence-supported chat bot ChatGPT. According to Cerf ChatGPT is not as good as it looks.

One of the names known as the “father of the internet”, who made important contributions to the provision of internet access as we know it by developing TCP / IP protocols. Vint Cerfone of the most popular artificial intelligence technologies of recent times, at an event he attended. ChatGPT made statements about it. Cerf spoke very harshly about the artificial intelligence tool that you can print from writing articles to even game codes.

According to the father of the internet, ChatGPT is a “snake oil“. You may be far from this definition. Let’s explain; In the 1980s, the counterfeit drug industry was quite large and snake oil was used for drugs that were sold unscientific. This term is now especially associated with frauds in health services. representing deceptive marketing is being used. So why did a scientist speak so harshly about an artificial intelligence tool that is considered ‘revolutionary’ by many?

“He knows how to make sentences, but he doesn’t know what he is saying”

According to Vint Cerf, ChatGPT knows the spelling rules very well and accordingly creates quality sentences. However, the father of the internet, who stated that he was not even aware of what artificial intelligence was writing, said that he had his biography written to ChatGPT.Cerf got a lot of things wrong.She says she read a sentence like “. Cerf said, “ChatGPT sometimes sounds reasonable but wrong or ridiculous answers he is writing. This problem is difficult to solve. Facts are everywhere and confuse them because he doesn’t know any better.‘ he said.


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Although the father of the Internet used very harsh words for ChatGPT, he has hope for the future. “Engineers like me use some of these technologies. of improvement must try to find a way.“, said Vint Cerf, if such a situation occurs, such artificial intelligence technologies will be much more effective means it can be used in some way.

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