The curious feature of Apple Watch 8 saved lives!

tech giant appleorganized a few months ago Headlight Out introduced many products at the event. one of them Apple Watch Series 8 it happened. The series managed to win the appreciation of users with its features. Among these features are ‘Collision Detection’ feature has attracted a lot of attention. According to the news today, this feature of the series saved a person’s life.

Nolan Abell contacted Tim Cook to say thank you

Apple Watch Series 8, introduced by Apple at the Far Out event, was released with features that will save users’ lives. Especially its Collision Detection feature has been the focus of curiosity. When the Watch 8 detects a car crash, among other series emergency services automated has a trigger feature.

However, there were also doubts about whether the feature actually worked. With the news today, it turned out that the feature really saves lives. Nolan Abell of Indianapolis A man named, at 03:00 on the morning of October 15, you lost control of your car and he said he crashed into a telephone pole.

Lightning with Type-C look from Apple!

Lightning with Type-C look from Apple!

Apple seems to be far from Type-C technology with the transfer speed in the 10th generation iPad model.

Stating that he is fighting to survive in the car seat, Abell said that the Apple Watch haptic feedback He said he felt it and heard a voice asking if he was there. When she didn’t respond in time, she stated that the watch was calling for help. Nolan Abell is particularly concerned, “Without this hour, who knows how long it would have taken for help to come to me.” Said.

Abell said she enthusiastically bought the Apple Watch 8 a week before it crashed. “I was at Best Buy and I was just like, ‘Hey, look, why am I not buying this?’ I said. I really had no reason for it. Something told me to take it.”

Curious feature of Apple Watch saved lives!

After his hospitalization, Abell stated that he contacted Apple for saving his life. “I emailed Tim Cook and Tim Cook emailed me. It was a short and sweet email. Tim said he’s very sorry that something like this happened to me. This is exactly why they developed the collision detection feature.”

So, what do you think about this subject? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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