The consequences will be severe: Precautions against artificial intelligence from YouTube!

Artificial intelligence-based technological developments continue to increase day by day. Meanwhile, some technology companies and platforms are taking precautions against artificial intelligence technology. One of them was YouTube. According to news, Google said that it will take artificial intelligence-focused measures on YouTube.

Monetization may be removed for video owners without an artificial intelligence tag!

Recently working on artificial intelligence technology YouTube, does not give up control. The platform confirmed this in a statement on its official blog page. Google In his statement, he stated that he would carry out this inspection.

According to the statement, videos produced by artificial intelligence and uploaded to YouTube are now a to the label Will have. Users will also see this tag and watch the video. produced by artificial intelligence He will understand. Additionally, producers will have to put tags for these videos.

YouTube may be banned due to ad blocking decision!

YouTube may be banned due to ad blocking decision!

YouTube sued over ad blocker warnings. Allegedly, the platform processes users’ data without their consent.

The company stated that there will also be some sanctions for producers who share untagged videos. These sanctions, video taken down or the manufacturer removal of monetization feature There will be such penalties. This will also act as a deterrent.

With this new system, Google will apply to have the video, which they claim belongs to them, removed from YouTube. Authorities will review this request and may decide to remove the post.

Precautions against artificial intelligence from YouTube, which will have serious consequences!

On the other hand, what draws attention at this point is to use the voice of a singer who has become popular recently and make him sing another song. As an example, it is possible to give the songs that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was made to sing with artificial intelligence technology. At this point, it is unknown what path the platform will follow.

In addition to all these, it is also a matter of curiosity how YouTube will understand whether a video is produced by artificial intelligence. Moreover, it is not clear according to which situation the punishment will be imposed. All these details are expected to emerge later.

So, what do you think about YouTube artificial intelligence prevention? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!

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