The Color of the Year 2024 Has Been Announced: Some of You Will Be Annoyed

Pantone has chosen the color of 2024, as it has become very popular in recent years. The color of 2024 is Pantone 13-1023 Peach Fume.

There is less than a month left until 2023 ends. During this period, the games, songs, movies, books, etc. of the year one after the other. It becomes obvious. One of the most popular headlines on social media is “Color of the Year”. Pantone, next of the year determined its color.

Color of 2024: Peach fuzz

by PantoneEmphasizing our desire to be with others and the emotions this creates a warm and comfortable color Defined as peach fuzz color, it focuses on the feeling of softness. The reason why peach fuzz was chosen is that it gives this profound feeling of sensitivity and sincerely conveys messages of compassion and sharing, community and cooperation.

Peach fuzz also taste, sight, touch and smell Stating that it creates a symbiotic relationship between our senses, Pantone seems very pleased with this year’s color selection. However, it is not known how happy people who cannot touch peach fuzz will be with this choice.


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Pantone actually color authority It acts as the controller and chooses which color will be referred to with which code. Especially design, advertising These codes are of great importance for people operating in fields such as. The color chosen by Pantone is expected to be used extensively in product designs next year.

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