The Biggest Oil Disaster in History Deepwater Horizon

Petroleum is one of the rarest and most valuable metals in nature. Have you ever heard of the world’s largest oil spill, in which oil, which we need and is a serious threat to our planet, mixes with nature out of control? Today we introduce you to the biggest oil spill in history: Deepwater Horizon.

For thousands of years, we have witnessed many occupations and colonies in our world. These invasions The main reason is the underground riches in the occupied country.was. Oil is such a precious metal that there will be a war for it. Do you have any idea about the uncontrolled release of tons of such a precious metal into nature?

Maybe you are not familiar with the event we want to talk about. But 46 million barrels of oil is blatantly absent (!) Today we will tell you about the event that the world’s largest oil drilling center was blown up. Here is the subject of movies and documentaries Deepwater Horizon‘s story…

The world’s largest oil drilling platform: Deepwater Horizon

Deepwater Horizon; It has the high-end features of the Transocean company, suitable for working even in very deep seas and oceans, world’s largest oil rig.

This huge platform was built in 2001. by South Korean industrial giant Hyundai designed, manufactured and sold to Transocean. Although the platform was originally under the Panamanian flag, it was later registered as the Marshall Islands.

Transocean’s lease agreement with BP

Gulf of Mexico

In the 2000s, a dense oil seam was detected in the deepest points of the Gulf of Mexico. BP, one of the largest oil companies in the world (British Petroleum) signed a contract with Transocean for 5 years (2008 – 2013) to conduct drilling works here and drilling works have started in the Gulf of Mexico.

Giant fireballs in the ocean


Deepwater Horizon was launched in September 2009. at the Macondo Well, the deepest oil well in history He began work. The drilling site is approximately 400 km east of Houston, USA; It was a wide area with a sea depth of 10683 meters vertically and 1259 meters.

On April 20, 2010 at 21:45 US local time, as a result of various complications while drilling the Macondo Well during the excavation process. A gas eruption disaster, mixed with oil reaching a height of 73 meters it happened. Mixture of sludge, methane gas and oil this gush; It soon turned into a huge fire. Meanwhile, Deepwater Horizon’s fire suppression system failed to activate. During the fire, there were 7 consecutive massive explosions in the area. There was complete chaos in the area at that time.

The firefighters who went to the region to witness this huge explosion “Dante’s InfernoThey describe it as ‘. 126 personnel were evacuated quickly and safely thanks to the measures taken in the region and the helicopter waiting at the ready, but 11 personnel lost their lives during the first explosion. Even the dead bodies of the personnel who lost their lives have not been found yet.

The ongoing process after the explosion

While the fire that occurred with the explosion continued for 2 days, the fire ended with the sinking of the giant platform. If an oil spill until day 87 while continuing; on 15 July 2010 with the lid closing method blocked. In September 2010, the well was completely turned into a “dead well” after some reports found that the leak continued.

The magnitude of the material and moral damage caused by Deepwater Horizon

oil stripping process

Oil stripping after the disaster

Transocean, the owner of the platform, bought a total for Deepwater Horizon from the insurance company. 601 million dollars when receiving payment; The US Judiciary, due to the damage this accident caused to nature 67% BPTransocean 30% and Halliburton 3% percent found guilty. After this decision; BP $20 billion (in installments), Transocean paid $1.4 billion and Halliburton $1.1 billion.

BP’s historic $20 billion fine went down in history as the largest fine imposed on a corporation in US history. BP agreed with the United States to pay this historic penalty in installments over 16 years.

BP’s allegations and confessions

after the disaster

According to BP’s claims, Transocean company formed in the well and Failed to detect hydrocarbon leak lasting up to 40 minutes and this leak caused the explosion. For this reason, BP filed lawsuits in order not to pay the hefty compensation, but the decision of the judiciary did not change.

Halliburton company during the investigations. destroyed the necessary evidence Confessed. The Halliburton company reported this confession to the National Fish and Wildlife Trust. $55 million donation He also announced that he did.

The amount of oil mixed with nature and its effects

Our files have been badly affected.

The United States during this disaster 49 million barrels of oil leaked into nature and spread. explained. Although the oil mixed with the ocean was subjected to oil stripping by special ships, only 800 thousand oil could be recovered from 49 million barrels of oil.

Due to this bitter nature massacre, many sea creatures lost their lives, and the surrounding soil lost its fertility. Serious health problems were seen in surviving creatures, even in later generations.

Deepwater Horizon disaster in popular culture


About the Deepwater Horizon event, which was released in 2016, “Deepwater Horizon” on Netflix; “Deep Water Horizon In Their Own WordsYou can watch the documentary titled ” on Amazon Prime.

So what do you guys think about the Deepwater Horizon disaster? Have you encountered this disaster anywhere before? Do you think Deepwater Horizon and Chernobyl’s damage to nature can be compared? You can specify in the comments.

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