The Best-Selling Automobile Brand in the World in 2023 Announced

With last year’s sales figures becoming known, the company with the highest sales in 2023 has also been determined.

Recently, Volkswagen in 2023 announced that they sold 9.24 million vehicles in total. The German giant, which sells more vehicles than all its other competitors, dreams of becoming the “best selling automobile brand of the year” with the Japanese giant. Toyota dropped it into the water. Toyota’s automobile sales increased by 7.2% last year and the total number of vehicles sold was announced as 11 million 233 thousand 39.

The top remained unchanged for the fourth year in a row

When we look at the figures announced by Toyota, Toyota And Lexus Total number of cars sold under its brands 10 million 307 thousand 395 happened. Total sales of these brands increased by 7.7% compared to the previous year. subsidiary of Toyota Daihatsu increased its sales by 3.2% in 2023 and 790 thousand 441 It sold 1,000,000 vehicles. Hino department lost the year with a 9.8% decrease in sales in this period. 135 thousand 203 It closed with the sale of 1,000,000 vehicles.

When we look at sales outside Japan, Toyota’s 8 million 928 thousand 230 We see that the company sold 10,000 vehicles, which means that sales increased by 4.1% compared to last year and Toyota broke a record in this sense. The country where Toyota models were most preferred was the USA with 2 million 617 thousand 33 cars.

The company’s luxury car department nexus It managed to increase its sales by 132% by selling 824 thousand 258 cars in 2023. Although Lexus sold the most vehicles in North America with 355 thousand 606 units, it achieved the biggest growth rate in Japan with 229%.

What are the sales figures of other companies?


Last year Volkswagen Group 9.24 million, Hyundai/Kia/Genesis While selling 7.32 million vehicles General Motors has not announced sales figures yet. Stellaris will announce its sales figures on February 15. These companies are not expected to exceed 6 million. Nissan It sold 3 million 225 thousand 632 cars in 2023.


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