Android And iOS in the game world best FPS games, is frequently sought after by players. Especially the developments that occur with the growth of the sector also offer us higher quality productions. compared to last year 12 percentThe market, which has recorded a growth of 100%, strengthens the players’ hand. Alright Android And iOS for best FPS games which ones? In this article, we have listed the 10 most popular games on both platforms.
The best FPS games for iOS and Android
Also known as a first-person shooter FPS The category includes giants. While multiplayer productions attract attention as the main target, some story games may also appear on the list. Likewise, as in the general mobile industry, most productions welcome players as free-to-play. There is no secret and just 1 paid If you are ready for our list of productions, let’s get started.
10. Shadowgun War Games – Free
The first member of our list of the best FPS games on mobile platforms Shadowgun War Games. The production, which includes a structure in which two teams of five people compete, is especially Valorant And OverwatchIt draws attention with its similarity to . One of the important works of the mobile gaming world ‘Dead Trigger’The production, developed by the team that made it, is available on both platforms. 10 millionu exceeding reached download numbers.
Game iOS To download via here Click here.
Game Android To download via here Click here.
9. Infinity Ops – Free
We are with one of the newest members of our best FPS games list. 2020 released in Infinity Ops, actually had a different name. The production, which was later rebranded by the developer team, managed to attract the appreciation of the players. The game won the love of fans, especially with its good use of science fiction elements.
Game iOS To download via here Click here.
Game Android To download via here Click here.