The best browser add-ons for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Although Google Chrome comes to mind when we talk about browser add-ons, the Firefox team was actually the first architect of this development. Browser add-ons that put an end to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer dominance are still among the important parts of our lives today. We have brought together the best Google Chrome and Edge extensions that stand out for you. Since it is based on Chrome, it is possible to use these add-ons on Edge.

5 must-have browser extensions for Chrome and Edge

Although browser add-ons are not as popular as they used to be, they still have features that will make our lives easier. We tried to bring together the best browser add-ons for Chrome and Edge, especially useful for users who spend a lot of time at the computer.

It is possible to use the same browser add-ons for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

1- Save to Google Drive

Among the Chrome extensions, Save to Drive is one of the add-ons that makes our life perhaps the most convenient. It is possible to transfer everything you want to save while browsing the browser to your Drive account with this add-on.

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The only downside of the plugin, which has a very simple interface, is that it uses Drive storage. As you know, Google recently stopped offering unlimited storage for Drive and Mail.

Save to Google Drive is among the prominent add-ons

In this sense, it is useful to choose the content you save with the plugin well. Again, you need to authorize the Save to Google Drive browser plug-in to take screenshots, audio and video recordings.

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