The Analyst Draws Attention To These 4 Altcoin Projects: They Can Make You Rich!

An analyst, known under the pseudonym V For Crypto in the Turkish cryptocurrency market, shared with his 237,000 Twitter followers 4 altcoin projects that he claims will make him rich in the coming years. we too We took a look at the analyst’s posts for our readers.

V For Crypto altcoin projects dreaming of wealth

Before asking his followers for their opinions, the crypto analyst shared the altcoin projects he thinks could make his investors rich in the coming years:

CEEK VR (CEEK) offers an existing Virtual Reality platform with partners such as Universal Music, Apple and T-Mobile. CEEK creates, edits and distributes VR content using patented VR headsets and CEEK’s VR platform. СЕЕК users can physically access live performances and other exciting experiences through smart devices such as Smart TVs, Mobile phones, AR and VR headsets. The altcoin is ranked 179th on CoinMarketCap in terms of market cap and was trading at $0.3128, down 2.98% in the last 24 hours at the time of writing.

Radio Cac (RACA) is the native token of Universal Metaverse (USM). Radio Caca is also the special director of “Maye Musk Mystery Box” NFT and creator of USM Lab, USM and P2E Blockchain game as it is known. Universal Metaverse is a 3D Planet virtual world where users can own land, build buildings such as shops and art galleries, create and play games. The altcoin is ranked #226 on CoinMarketCap in terms of market cap, and was trading at $0.001618, down 4.02% in the last 24 hours at the time of writing.


Bloktopia (BLOK) is a decentralized metaverse powered and built on by Polygon. In Bloktopia, a decentralized virtual reality skyscraper consisting of 21 levels (as recognition of 21 million Bitcoins) acts as a central hub for users to access crypto information and comprehensive content in one place. The altcoin is ranked 291st on CoinMarketCap in terms of market cap, and at the time of writing, it was trading at $0.01656, up 12.89% in the last 24 hours.

Victoria VR is a Blockchain-based MMORPG in Virtual Reality with realistic graphics built on the Unreal Engine created and owned by its users. Victoria VR World is planned to be The Big Market VR where you can change games, quests, endless adventures, virtual galleries and NFTs in 3D. The altcoin ranks 313th on CoinMarketCap in terms of market cap and was trading at $0.1803, down 17.73% in the last 24 hours at the time of writing.

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