The 10 most valuable companies in the world have been announced!

Brand Finance, one of the world’s leading independent brand evaluation and strategy consultancy companies, has listed the most valuable companies of the past year. California-based giant company applewas at the top of the list this year, just like last year.

According to the report published by Brand Finance TikTok, in total with 215 percent growth managed to become the fastest growing brand last year. Here are the other details about the list…

Apple to pay record compensation for refurbished products

Apple will pay iPhone, iPad and iPod customers compensation in the under-performing refurbished device lawsuit that has been going on since 2016.

Apple is at the top of the list once again

Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy, a total of 5,000 brands evaluates and publishes nearly a hundred reports. The company, where the world’s most valuable and strongest 500 brands are featured this year, ‘Brand Finance Global 500’ published the list. Apple is at the top of the list of 500 companies with a total value of 355.5 billion dollars.

2021 has been a year in which digital entertainment and social media services have grown due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic conditions around the world. In this sense, one of the most striking names of the list published TikTok it happened. Famous social media platform, in 2021 with a growth of 215 percent, managed to become the 18th most valuable company in the world. Thus, TikTok surpassed even Disney with a total value of 57.1 billion dollars.

Another striking point of the list published by Brand Finance is the distribution of the most valuable companies by country. Two-thirds of the 500 companies in the list published. Chinese and US companies forming. Apart from Samsung, which originated in South Korea, there is no other country that can enter the top 10.

Here are the 10 most valuable companies in the world:

  1. Apple – $355.1 billion
  2. Amazon – $350.3 billion
  3. Google – $263.4 billion
  4. Microsoft – $184.2 billion
  5. Walmart – $111.9 billion
  6. Samsung – $107.3 billion
  7. Facebook – $101.2 billion
  8. ICBC – $75.1 billion
  9. Huawei – $71.2 billion
  10. Verizon – $69.6 billion

Disappointment in Facebook's crypto money project!

Disappointment in Facebook’s crypto money project!

Reports have emerged that show that the crypto money project carried out by Meta (Facebook) and the Diem Foundation will never materialize.

So what do you think about the published list and the great rise of TikTok? Do you think there will be any changes in the list in 2022? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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